Our Products

Financial fraud is common today and industry losses from both third-party and first-party fraud continue to rise. The pressure on financial institutions to effectively manage the risk without affecting good customers has never been higher.

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Early Payment Default (EPD)

  • Guardinex has developed two first-of-its-kind and complementary scores for unsecured personal lending (credit cards, personal loans, and BNPL) to address early payment defaults
  • Our Ability-to-Pay Score identifies credit risk attributes missed by most credit models
  • Our Intent-to-Pay Score detects malicious intent by the applicant (third-party, first-party, and synthetic) that is not captured in the Ability-to-Pay Scores

Third-Party Fraud

  • Our Third-Party Fraud product includes one score with a suite of risk attributes
  • The Third-Party Fraud Score predicts the likelihood that an applicant is committing third-party or identity fraud
  • It is designed to enhance KYC and Identity verification already in place 
  • It reduces false positives thereby impacting fewer good customers while ensuring fraudsters are not opening accounts using stolen identities

Deposit Fraud

  • Guardinex has developed two distinct, targeted, and complementary fraud scores to address deposit fraud – Third-Party Fraud Score and Deposit Fraud Score
  • Our Third-Party Fraud Score predicts the likelihood that an applicant is committing third-party or identity fraud
  • This score is designed to enhance KYC and Identity verification already in place ensuring fraudsters are not opening accounts using stolen identities
  • Our Deposit Fraud Score predicts the likelihood that an existing account is used to commit deposit fraud
  • The Deposit Fraud product can be used in two ways – at new account opening (in conjunction with our Third-Party Fraud Score) or to scrub existing accounts to identify those with high risk of Deposit Fraud
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Core Methodology

We continuously monitor customer data on the dark web, augment with other data sources, anticipate fraudsters tactics, and leverage analytical ML models to predict risk in real time and alert customer of any fraudulent activity

Core Methodology


To fight Identity Fraud, you’ve come to the right place



To fight Identity Fraud,
you’ve come to the right place